The Arts and Antique Businesses Directory to Galleries, Auctions, and Dealers
We want to have every Antiques related business listed in our directory!
If you have a Retail Antiques Store, Antique Mall, Auction, or other Antiques related business end us your Basic Listing Information. (See Form Below) The Monthly Price is $49. However if you have 5 booth and other dealers in your mall that join there is no charge (FREE) for your listing. Also, you are automatically qualified for a spiff on new sign ups from your business. The way the Spiff works is you would get as a rebate the first months amount of a new dealer sign up, and 10% of renewing memberships. (Conditions Apply)
Individual Dealer Options
If you are part of an Antique Mall or only have booths at Antique Shows, or work out of your home, sign up for our "Individual Dealer Option".
For $20 a month, or only $199 a year. Interior Decorators, Auctions, and other Retail Stores can sign up under this plan too.
Benefits of becoming an Antiques Group member.
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